Beverage Machinery

In a single fridge, three trendy beverages always on display, chilled and ready for customers to enjoy. The proposed package includes the new brand Bubble Tea Ready to Drink, the novelty we created both in a cup and in a glass bottle. Then, space for Mauci Mauci, the drink with coconut pieces inside, and Chia Seed, another fruit drink with healthy chia seeds inside.

Beverage project – All Seng’s news in one fridge

And when the drinks are about to run out, we have all the beverages available to continue restocking the fridge.

Frigor version Large
Inside: RTD Bubble Tea in Glasses, RTD Bubble Tea in Bottles, MauciMauci
Dimensions: 59 x 60 cm (height: 179 cm)
Frigor version Slim
Inside: RTD Bubble Tea in Glasses, RTD Bubble Tea in Bottles, MauciMauci
Dimensions: 39 x 46 cm (height: 188 cm)

Via Louis Braille, n.18
48124 Fornace Zarattini (RA)

Cod. Fisc. e P.IVA: 02244330391

tel: +39 0544.502326

Seng Corporation srl
ha partecipato alla fiera SIGEP 2023.
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